How to tell your brand story and build a lasting digital footprint.

In this article, we are going to cover the most important things to consider when crafting your personal brand story, how to deliver your message in your voice and how to amplify that story online, from laying the foundational digital footprint to getting featured in the press and on podcasts

Adrienne Greenwood
6 min readOct 18, 2022
Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

In 2023, anyone who wants to be successful in business will need to build a personal brand.

Why? Because the world has changed and the rules have changed with it. The internet has levelled the playing field, making it possible for anyone to start a business from scratch and become successful. But in order to stand out from the crowd, you need to have a strong personal brand.

A personal brand is more than just your name or your logo. It’s what people think of when they hear your name. It’s what sets you apart from everyone else. And it’s what makes people want to do business with you.

Crafting your personal brand story is essential to creating a powerful and resonant presence online. To create a compelling story, you’ll need to focus on three key elements: your origin story, your current story, and your vision for the future.

Key elements of a good brand story should include

Your origin story should explain how you got interested in your field, and why you decided to become an entrepreneur.

Your current story should describe what your business is doing now, and how it’s helping people.

And your vision for the future should outline your plans for the future of your company and how you’re going to make an impact.

When you tell your personal brand story, be sure to be authentic, passionate, and clear. Make sure your story is relevant to your target audience, and focus on the benefits that your company provides. If you can capture the hearts and minds of your audience, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a powerful personal brand.

Other things to keep in mind when crafting your brand story:

Your story should be personal and authentic, be disruptive, and show your true personality.

It should be relevant to your target audience. Think about who you want to work with and tell them your story as if they were some long-lost BFF.

It should tell the story of how you became who you are today. People want to see that you have overcome adversity, it makes you human and relatable, and it also makes you appear strong, and someone who can be trusted.

It should showcase your skills and experience. Weave in what skills attained during those good and bad experiences, that brought you to where you are today.

It should be consistent with the branding of your business or organization

Now that you have crafted your brand story, it's time to put it out there into the world!

1. Share your story on social media

Make sure to share your story on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Drop those truth bombs in short-form content that represents all you've learned and have to offer.

2. Start a blog

Start a blog and write about your journey as an entrepreneur. This will help you attract new readers and followers. Use backlinks to link to other sites in order to attract new traffic and gain google authority. Check out Adam Enfroy to learn more on how to use backlinks and start a personal blog for your business that can actually make money. Nevertheless, writing helps you get comfortable articulating your knowledge, preparing you for speaking on video platforms, stages, or podcasts.

3. Guest blog on other sites

Guest blog on other sites and share your story with a wider audience. This is a great way to reach new people and build your brand and backlink to your offers. See link above for more advice on backlinks.

4. Become a contributor on online publications like Forbes Council

This allows you to position yourself as the journalist, the expert in the know and be seen as an authority who’s worthy of being published contributor to reputable sites.

Here are a few examples of other sites that accept submissions:

3. Inc. (

4. Forbes

5. Business Insider

6. Mashable

7. Young Upstarts

8. Lifehack

9. Vocal Media


Here are some tips for getting your articles accepted:

1. Identify key media outlets that cover your industry or topic area

2. Research the reporters and editors who work at these outlets

3. Reach out to them with a story pitch that is relevant to their audience

4. Follow up regularly and be persistent until you get a response

5. Be prepared to go above and beyond to make sure your story gets the attention it deserves

Become a guest on online summits or podcasts in your niche.

Podcasting is one of the best ways in 2023 to grow your brand and tell your story from your own lips and can open doors to live speaking engagements as well. Podcasts allow people to hear you tell your full story as well as pitch your offers, not just get sound bites or snippets.

Put together a press kit for the podcast pitch

1. Have a strong biography that outlines your expertise and experience in your field.

2. Prepare interesting and compelling talking points about your work that will engage listeners.

3. Create a media kit that includes a headshot, bio, and a selection of relevant clips or articles about you.

4. Research the podcasts you want to pitch yourself to and make sure your content aligns with their themes and audience.

5. Craft a personalized pitch that highlights why you would be a valuable guest for their show.

Some examples of podcasts that are listed on the platform:

1. How I Built This with Guy Raz

2. The Pitch

3. The Tim Ferriss Show

4. Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman

5. StartUp with Alex Blumberg

6. eCommerceFuel Podcast

7. The BizChix Podcast

8. The Fearless Entrepreneur with Jeanne Damrau

9. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

10. SharkPrenuer Podcast with Kevin Harrington

Keep your expectations realistic

While everyone wants to be seen on Good Morning America and featured in Forbes Magazine, that’s not a realistic goal for most small to medium-sized entrepreneurs.

…at least not in the early years. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be seen as a dominating force in your industry and online with well-placed, mid-to-top-tier publications and with impactful podcast interviews.

What you are striving to achieve in your campaign in the first year of building your personal brand:

3–5 contributor thought leadership articles (you are the author)

1–3 press releases (Global News Wire)

1–3 profile articles where you are being featured by the publications, and written about you by a journalist.

5–6 podcasts interviews

A Google Knowledge Panel

Wiki Profile.

5000+ Followers on Social Media Platforms.

With these, you should also be able to acquire the blue check verification status on your accounts (Grab our agency secrets guide) to getting verified for free!

Final Thoughts:

Building a personal brand online for your business is all about creating a consistent and professional presence across all of your personal digital channels as well as on google. This includes developing a strong social media strategy, creating high-quality content, and using all forms of media (social, video, audio and long-form content) to reach your audience and dominate your niche.

One of the most important things to remember is that it takes time and effort to build a successful personal brand. This is a long-term investment, with long-term results. Be patient and consistent in your efforts and you will be seen and heard as a leading authority. If you are interested in personal brand or publicity strategy help check out our services here.



Adrienne Greenwood

Adrienne is seasoned executive publicist, and founder of a bespoke PR Agency helping unseen experts launch and amplify their personal brands.